7 Best Refreshing Drinks for Summer

Sweating causes the body to lose more fluids, making it necessary to consume more fluids to maintain hydration. Juice is a viable option because it comprises water, natural sugars, vitamins, and minerals that are essential to the body.

Why hydration is important in summer

Drinking juice during the summer season can provide a refreshing and hydrating experience, which is crucial in hot weather conditions. fruit juices are a rich source of antioxidants that safeguard the body from harmful free radicals, which can cause damage to cells. Antioxidants have been found to aid in reducing inflammation, enhancing immune function, and protecting cells.

Why homemade summer drinks good for health

It is essential to note that certain juices can have high amounts of sugar and calories. As a result, it is preferable to choose juices that are low in added sugars or create homemade juice using fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also crucial to balance juice consumption with other hydration sources such as water and herbal teas.

Here are best summer drinks that you can make easily at home :

Best summer drinks

Here are five homemade summer drinks that you can make easily:

1. Lemonade :

Easy to make and delicious in the summer, lemonade is great for relieving your thirst on a hot day. You can try this easy recipe out:

Lemonade Ingredients:

  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 4 cups cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices and mint leaves optional for garnish

Lemonade recipe:

  1. In a pitcher, mix the lemon juice and sugar until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Add the cold water and stir well.
  3. Taste and adjust the sweetness to your liking, adding more sugar if needed.
  4. Add ice cubes to the pitcher or individual glasses.
  5. Garnish with lemon slices and mint leaves (optional).
  6. Serve and enjoy your refreshing lemonade!

You can also try adding other flavors to your lemonade, such as fresh berries, ginger, or herbs like basil or thyme. Just be creative and have fun experimenting with different flavors and combinations!

2. Mint lemonade :

Mint lemonade is a delicious twist on the classic lemonade recipe, and it’s perfect for hot summer days. Here’s a simple recipe you can try:

Mint lemonade Ingredients:

  • Make lemonade as described above, but add some 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves to the mix. You can also muddle the mint leaves in the glass for added flavor.
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 4 cups cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices and mint leaves (optional, for garnish)

Mint lemonade recipe:

  1. In a small saucepan, bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
  2. Remove the saucepan from heat and add the fresh mint leaves.
  3. Let the mint leaves steep in the hot water for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Strain the mint-infused water into a pitcher.
  5. Add the lemon juice and sugar to the pitcher and stir well until the sugar has dissolved.
  6. Add the cold water and stir again.
  7. Taste and adjust the sweetness to your liking, adding more sugar if needed.
  8. Add ice cubes to the pitcher or individual glasses.
  9. Garnish with lemon slices and mint leaves (optional).
  10. Serve and enjoy your delicious mint lemonade!

You can also try adding other herbs like basil or thyme, or even some sliced cucumber for an extra refreshing twist. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make it your own!

3. Watermelon cooler :

Watermelon cooler is a delicious and hydrating summer drink that’s perfect for hot days. This simple recipe is easy to make and customize to your liking.

Watermelon cooler Ingredients:

  • 4 cups cubed watermelon
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 2 cups cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Watermelon wedges and mint leaves (optional, for garnish)

Watermelon cooler recipe:

  1. Puree the watermelon in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add the lime juice, honey, and fresh mint leaves to the blender and blend again until the mint is well combined.
  3. Pour the watermelon mixture into a pitcher.
  4. Add the cold water and stir well.
  5. Taste and adjust the sweetness to your liking, adding more honey if needed.
  6. Add ice cubes to the pitcher or individual glasses.
  7. Garnish with watermelon wedges and mint leaves (optional).
  8. Serve and enjoy your refreshing watermelon cooler!

For an extra twist, you can add some sparkling water or soda for fizz or some sliced cucumber or ginger for added flavor. Get creative and experiment to find your perfect combination.

4. Cucumber Limeade :

Cucumber Limeade is a refreshing and tangy summer drink that’s perfect for hot days. This simple recipe is easy to make and customize to your liking.

Cucumber Limeade Ingredients:

  • 1 large cucumber, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 4 cups cold water
  • Ice cubes
  • Cucumber slices and lime wedges (optional, for garnish)

Cucumber Limeade recipe:

  1. Puree the chopped cucumber in a blender until smooth.
  2. In a large pitcher, combine the cucumber puree, lime juice, and honey.
  3. Stir well until the honey has dissolved.
  4. Add the cold water and stir again.
  5. Taste and adjust the sweetness to your liking, adding more honey if needed.
  6. Add ice cubes to the pitcher or individual glasses.
  7. Garnish with cucumber slices and lime wedges (optional).
  8. Serve and enjoy your refreshing cucumber limeade!

For an extra twist, you can try adding some fresh mint leaves or basil for an herbaceous flavor, or some sparkling water for a fizzy variation. Get creative and experiment to find your perfect combination.

5. Iced tea:

Brew your favorite tea, such as black or green tea, and let it cool. Add ice and sweeten with sugar or honey to taste. You can also add lemon or fresh mint leaves for flavor.

Iced tea is a classic and refreshing beverage that’s perfect for hot summer days. This quick and easy recipe can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Iced tea Ingredients:

  • 6 tea bags (black tea or any other tea of your choice)
  • 6 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (or more, depending on your taste)
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices (optional)

Iced tea recipe:

  1. Bring 6 cups of water to a boil in a pot or kettle.
  2. Add 6 tea bags to the boiling water and let them steep for 5-10 minutes, depending on your preference for tea strength.
  3. Remove the tea bags and stir in sugar until it dissolves.
  4. Allow the tea to cool to room temperature.
  5. Once cooled, transfer the tea to a pitcher and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
  6. When ready to serve, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled tea over the ice.
  7. Optional: add lemon slices to garnish.
  8. Enjoy your refreshing and delicious iced tea!

Feel free to experiment with different types of tea and sweeteners to find your perfect combination. You can also add mint leaves or berries for an extra touch of flavor.

6. Aam Panna / kairi panha :

Aam Panna is a well-known summer beverage in India that is prepared from raw mangoes and is famous for its cooling properties and delicious taste. Below is a straightforward recipe for making Aam Panna at home:

Aam Panna Ingredients :

  • 2-3 raw mangoes
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp roasted cumin powder
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper powder
  • Mint leaves
  • Ice cubes
  • Water

Aam Panna recipe :

  1. Wash the raw mangoes thoroughly and pressure cook them for 3-4 whistles or until they become soft and pulpy.
  2. Allow the cooked mangoes to cool down and then peel off the skin and remove the pulp.
  3. Put the mango pulp into a blender along with sugar, salt, cumin powder, black pepper powder, and a few mint leaves. Blend the mixture until it turns into a smooth paste.
  4. Pour 3-4 cups of chilled water into the mixture and stir well.
  5. Pour the Aam Panna into glasses, add ice cubes, and garnish with fresh mint leaves.
  6. Serve chilled and enjoy your refreshing Aam Panna!

You can adjust the amount of sugar and spices according to your taste preferences. Additionally, for an extra tangy flavor, you can add some lemon juice.

7. Jal Jeera :

Jal Jeera is a refreshing and popular summer drink originating from India, which is well known for its digestive properties. Below is a simple recipe that you can use to make Jal Jeera at home, without any plagiarism:

Jal Jeera Ingredients :

  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 1 cup fresh coriander leaves
  • 1 green chili, chopped
  • 1/2 inch ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon fennel seeds
  • 1/2 tablespoon black salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon amchur powder ( dry mango powder )
  • 1/2 tablespoon chaat masala
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 4 cups water
  • Ice cubes

Jal Jeera recipe :

  1. Using a blender, combine fresh mint leaves, coriander leaves, chopped green chili, peeled and chopped ginger, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, black salt, amchur powder, chaat masala, and lemon juice. Blend these ingredients until they become smooth.
  2. Once blended, add 4 cups of water to the mixture and mix well.
  3. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove any remaining solids.
  4. Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the Jal Jeera mixture over them.
  5. Garnish with extra mint leaves or lemon wedges, as desired.

Enjoy your homemade Jal Jeera summer drink!

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